KYB has been developing the KYB K2C Shock Oil with years of experience as being one of the world’s leading hydraulic companies, a high quality oil to be used solely in suspension and to maximise performance. The oil is specifically designed and made to be used only in shock absorbers. The oil viscosity, the additives, and more has been specifically selected and tested just to reach one goal, the best oil for the best results. The original KYB oil is being used from development, to testing and being used by OEM manufacturers all over the world to World Championship racetracks.
KYB K2C Shock Oil is specifically designed to be only used in shock absorbers with the highest demands for optimal performance. KYB oil is recognised by OEM manufacturers all over the world to be oil of the highest quality and therefore the go-to oil for them.
- Reduces the friction coefficient substantially
- A super stable viscosity
- Excellent anti-friction properties
- Optimal ageing resistance
- Reduction of excessive foaming
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Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Technical Touch BV
Ondernemersstraat 20
3920 Lommel